Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why Blood Glucose Monitoring Is Important

High or low blood glucose levels can lead to health complications. However, your sugar levels in the blood can be controlled with diet and monitored closely with a blood sugar monitoring device.
Therefore it's imperative you follow the right method of controlling it.

So to learn why and when you should monitor your blood glucose levels, how you can monitor them and how to choose the right blood glucose monitor, check out this post by Elena.

If you have diabetes, and want your questions answered, leave them in the comments below.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Actionable Guide To Lowering Your Blood Glucose Levels

Diabetes can lead to complications if you do not take preventive measures in controlling high blood sugar levels. The good news is, you can reverse the symptoms of high blood sugar with small yet effective lifestyle changes.

You may already know them or may have heard about them multiple times but only because they help you actually get positive results. It's your diet, and physical activity.

You can live with diabetes by following the actionable tips mentioned in this post on lowering your blood sugar levels.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

How to Measure Blood Pressure at Home - A Step-By-Step Guide

how to measure blood pressure at home

Often misinterpreted as a disease, blood pressure plays a vital role in the functioning of human body. However, blood pressure can change rapidly and vary by multiple causes such as stress, physical exercise or certain foods, which may eventually cause serious health issues.

Therefore, it is important to know how to measure blood pressure on a regular basis. Doctors often insist on systematic measuring of blood pressure, but rarely teach the patients how to do it. Which is a big mistake, as measuring blood pressure requires some training and incorrect technique can provide false results.

How to interpret blood pressure values?

Being knowledgeable about how to take blood pressure at home, provides you valuable information about the state of the circulatory system, in addition to giving clues about kidney diseases and other disorders. It is important to measure it frequently since hypertension does not cause symptoms.

Currently, there are tensiometers that allow electronic measurement of blood pressure at home easily and conveniently. They give the values in digits, and although they are less accurate than the traditional model, they are very practical because they take the two readings quickly and do so autonomously.

Blood pressure is expressed with two numbers separated by a bar: for example, 140/90 mmHg (millimeters of mercury).

Maximum or systolic tension: it is the first reading, in our example 140. This measures the maximum pressure with which the blood circulates inside the arteries and corresponds to the moment when the heart is contracting and expels blood under pressure.

Minimum or diastolic tension: it is the second reading, in our case 90, corresponds to the minimum pressure that the blood exerts on the wall of the arteries in the intervals between heartbeat and heartbeat. Corresponds to the moment when the heart relaxes.

What are the normal values of blood pressure?

The values of the maximum or systolic tension are normal when the figure is less than 120 mmHg in young people and 130 mmHg in elderly people.

Normal values are considered for the minimum or diastolic tension when the figure is below 80 mmHg. When it is higher, it is considered that there is arterial hypertension.

How to check blood pressure at home?

Taking blood pressure tests at home has become common for people nowadays. It has become essential for them to treat or balance a certain health condition. If you do this, you should thoroughly know how to check blood pressure and keep a journal or record of the measurements.

This record helps your doctor understand the pattern in which your blood pressure changes throughout the day. If you are on any kind of medication to keep your blood pressure under control, this data helps to know if they are working properly or not. If you a have a fine knowledge of how to take blood pressure step by step, it can help you to participate in caring for your own health.

How to take blood pressure step by step?

To start with the position should be seated, with the back and arms supported and the legs not crossed. You should avoid any previous physical exercise and rest for at least 5 minutes before taking the test. It would be perfect if you can rest for 10 minutes before the test.

Also, avoid any isometric (force) activity prior to or during the test, for example, keeping your arm up. Do not take the shot with any discomfort like a full bladder, itching, uncomfortable position, pain, etc.

To understand how to measure blood pressure like a professional, you should know that other than being physically relaxed it is important to be mentally relaxed before the test. Sit in an environment that is calm and comfortable, preferably minimally dark. Remember, you have to relax beforehand to measure. If you do not succeed, consider postponing the shot for another time.

Try to minimize mental activity by not talking much, not thinking much about the result that will come out and any such things that can deviate the test results.

Avoid consumption of caffeine or tobacco the previous 15 minutes. Do not intake any drugs for arterial hypertension. It is preferable to take the test empty stomach, but remember that your bladder must be empty.

Never take blood pressure if you are very nervous or have some type of pain unless you think that your symptoms may be due to a rise in blood pressure or your doctor has indicated.

What type of equipment should be used?

Another very important point is the type and conditions of the equipment.

1. An arm cuff is preferred over a wristband.
2. It must be an automatic device and be validated (officially approved)
3. It must be calibrated in the last year. It can be checked at a pharmacy or in primary care. Some of the most trusted brands are Omron, HealthSense, and Rossmax.
4. The size of the cuff should be appropriate for your arm:
- The small sleeve is used for an arm circumference of 17 to 22 cm,
- The medium for a perimeter arm between 22 and 32 cm and
- The large cuff is used for an arm circumference between 32 and 42 cm.

How to measure blood pressure with sphygmomanometer?

  1. Avoid clothing that compresses the arm. If necessary, the shirt or shirt will be removed. Make sure that in that case, the temperature of the room is adequate.
  2. Select the arm with the highest pressure and place the sleeve of the correct size without pressing.
  3. Ensure that the position of the cuff in the arm is correct: the lower limit of the cuff should be 2 fingers above the fold of the arm-forearm (antecubital fossa).
  4. Ensure that the arm position is correct. The cuff should be at the level of the heart
  5. Determine blood pressure in both arms the first time. If you measure the pressure frequently, it is not necessary to always take it in both arms. In that case, you should measure it only in the dominant arm, which is where you tend to get higher values.
  6. At least 2 measurements should be taken, even 3 if the difference is> 5mmHg.

How often should Blood Pressure be measured?

Like everything in medicine, it depends on the person. The higher the cardiovascular risk the patient has or the more uncontrolled the blood pressure is, the more frequently it should be measured.

Patients without known arterial hypertension

- Once a year from 40 years of age on healthy people
- Once a year at any age in people with risk factors such as overweight, obesity, African-Americans or previous values in the limit (from 130 to 139 / 85-89 mm Hg)
- Every 3-5 years for adults 18 to 39 years of age with blood pressure lower than 130/85 mm Hg and who do not have any risk factor

Patients with known arterial hypertension
- In general, if the blood pressure is well controlled, it is enough to take the pressure once a month. Of course, the day it is taken, it should be measured in an adequate way by taking 2-3 shots in the morning and 2-3 shots just before dinner (4-6 shots in total).
- On the other hand, if the blood pressure is out of control, it should be taken every day both in the morning and at night. If the numbers are high you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Or if symptoms appear, you should go to the doctor immediately.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

7 Effective Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

We have all been a part of blood pressure, if we have been fortunate enough not to be diagnosed with it we know someone who has been. We slowly see them decaying and succumbing to it and everything, in the end, boils down to severe heart disease (Heart attack just being one of them). The question remains is allopathy the absolute answer on how to lower blood pressure? Is it reliable enough to trust the process and assume that it would reverse the damage without leaving any scars? The answer is a “BIG NO”.

Have you ever come across someone having problems with his confidence who feels nervous all the time coughs and almost always gives that pity nerd look? Well, more than a personality trait that is a side effect of the heavy blood pressure medicine dosage.

This article is not about convincing you against the general medicines available, this is about informing you that there are ways you can reverse your damage completely but slowly without or with minimum usage of medicines. It is about how you can reduce high blood pressure naturally at home and why it is important to regularly measure your BP with a digital blood pressure monitor.

Before jumping to the solutions on how you can control your high blood pressure, I’d want to explicitly mention that none of these techniques are instant ways to get rid of the damage blood pressure has caused to your body. But what we can assure you is that these natural ways can surely help you reverse the damage and with a disciplined practice of these you will feel much better and confident in facing the blood pressure monster.

1. It’s time to introduce activity

Almost all blood pressure cases are linked to inactivity, thus increasing body activity is just the natural step one needs to take to regulate blood pressure. The science behind increasing your physical activity is simple, aerobic exercises (moderate exercise that keeps your heart rate at a constant). As the word suggests aerobic means “with oxygen” these exercises break down fat and glucose into andesine triphosphate using oxygen, this is a preferred mode to lose those extra pounds.

How does one know if these aerobic exercises are improving your heart condition? Your heart rate is s bound to increase when you work out, the sooner your heart rate restores to normal is the measure of your healthy heart. With a regular workout, you can regulate and maintain a constant restoration time.

List of exercises that will help you regulate blood pressure:

· Cycling: 15-20 minutes

· Brisk walking: 45 minutes

· Moderate weight training: Doctor to be consulted before taking this up

· Treadmill running: 20 minutes

· Climbing stairs: sets of 10 (3 reps)

2. Green is the way to go

Leafy green veggies is your go-to-foods that lower blood pressure fast as these have a healthy amount of potassium that helps your kidneys get rid of the extra sodium through urine.

Include these potassium-rich greens to give your heart the strength it needs.

· Lettuce

· Spinach

· Beet greens

· Peas greens

If you’re anything like me, you won’t eat these greens without cringing on the taste, my suggestion blend these greens with a banana and nut milk to have yourself a healthy green smoothie that your taste buds and heart love.

3. Cut down your smoke breaks

Over 4000 recognized chemicals contribute to thickening of blood vessels; once the blood vessels lose their original composition the circulation is hazardously effected. A mere cigarette can increase a lot of pressure on your heart and alters with its functioning.

There is no number of cigarettes in a day that can be marked as a safe limit, what I suggest is either switch to organic cigarettes or cut down. Coupling your sobriety with cardiovascular exercises will not only regulate your blood pressure but will also cleanse your body of all the toxins smoking has gathered in your body.

4. Cut down salt

Salt is the primary weapon of blood pressure, your body gets rid of toxins and extra fluids through urine that is regulated by kidneys. The kidneys do it through the process of osmosis that is carried out with the help of a delicate balance of potassium and sodium. An increased level of sodium can alter this osmosis process and the body starts to retain the toxic fluids. The first symptoms of fluid retention are increased face fat and lowered stamina.

You can alter the harmful table salt with these equally tasty counterparts:

· Cook with garlic, pepper to compensate salt

· Use sea salt instead of table salt

· Cut down on salty snacks especially those potato chips

5. Cocoa and dark chocolate

Not all healthy diets are tasteless! This can be your taste savior, while over-consumption of chocolates can be really harmful but small quantities taken regularly can regulate your blood pressure. What is the science behind it? Dark chocolates have flavonoids and plant compounds that help the vessels to dilate.

Studies have shown that flavonoid-rich cocoa can regulate blood pressure. For strong and long-lasting effects use alkalized cocoa powder.

6. Go fruits and cut down processed carbs

Processed carbs cause something called as insulin resistance, insulin is produced by the pancreas in order to digest sugar, excess consumption of processed carbs can make your cells resistant to insulin, the carbs stay in your cells unbroken which feedbacks more insulin production causing the excess body fat that funds blood pressure. You can instead switch fruits and honey to quench your sweet buds.

7. Berry go round

Berries are just not a package full of sweet and juice it is also a powerhouse of polyphenol and complex plant compounds that are good for the heart.

Intake of all the above-mentioned techniques in your lifestyle will definitely help you regulate your abnormal blood pressure. I hope after reading this you will know how to lower blood pressure in an effective way. In case you suffer from an acute blood pressure problem consult a doctor and let the doctor design a diet that is rich in all the important activities and foods. Always keep a reliable blood pressure monitor handy to keep your heart number checked; you don’t want to be surprised by your heart at any time.

"This piece, "7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure & Reverse Its Damage" was originally published on The Health Hub, on  Feb 13, 2018."

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Types Of Warts You Need To Know About

         Types Of Warts

There is a good chance that at some point in your life you have warts. Warts can occur at any age and can appear anywhere on once body but not to worry as they are harmless and non-cancerous or are they?

Dr (Lt Cdr) Siddharth Garekar from Garekars M.D. Dermatology Clinic, Gurgaon says that Warts are a seemingly “no-problem” condition that most people do not pay much heed to. But did you know that there are at least 10 types of warts that can affect you and while the most common ones are seemingly harmless, they are still caused by the presence of Human Papilloma Virus - a virus linked to skin cancer.

Ever wonder why do warts occur?

When a particular kind of HPV virus comes in contact with the skin of the victim it causes an infection and thus the warts are formed.
Are these harmful?
Warts are completely harmless but can be painful and contagious sometimes.


Different Types Of Warts You Need To Know About:

Warts are caused by the HPV virus, warts are normally rough & skin coloured but can be dark brown or grey, flat and smooth in some cases.

Types Of Warts Illustrated By Dr. Axe
Types Of Warts Illustrated By Dr. Axe

Among the different types of warts, the most common one is the ‘common wart’which is basically a wart on finger around nails or on the back portion of the hands.

 Wart On FingerWarts On Hand

                                                                      Common Warts

Plantar warts also are known as foot warts mostly appear on the soles of the feet and are painful.  Plantar warts appear under the soles of the feet and that is why they are known as foot warts.

Plantar Warts
Plantar Warts

                                                         Plantar Warts

Flat warts mostly grow in large groups (100 grouped together at a time).The flat warts are smoother and smaller than the other types of warts.

Flat warts

                                                               Flat Warts

Filiform Warts mostly occurs near the mouth portion, eyes, and nose. These look like long threads. 

Filiform Warts

Filiform Warts

Filiform Warts

Preventive measures you need to take to protect yourself from warts.

HPV Virus can enter the topmost layer of the skin from broken skin areas. To prevent this you should wash your hands regularly so that your skin doesn’t crack or bleed. You can also wear flip-flops in locker rooms and in public showers as they are not hygienic.
Warts can be passed through contact with a person infected with warts or by the surface that has touched infected warts. Warts can spread from body to body, so to avoid this you need to wash your hands after getting in contact with warts.

These measures don’t cure you of warts but they do help in preventing you from getting any of these different types of warts. Anyways you should consult a dermatologist for wart removal.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Why You Should Buy A Body Composition Monitor

Many of us set new health goals every year and each time we tell ourselves we will make it work. But often our busy everyday lives get in the way. As we don't see the progress we think we were making, it makes us give up each time.
Should you?
The answer is NO.
Is it difficult to achieve our weight management goals?
Heck No.
You just need the right information and a bit of support to maintain good health and weight by keeping a healthy balance between fat, calories, and energy.
What you need is to find the right partner to help you stay on the right track. Body weight composition monitors help you do just that. The technologically advanced ones from big healthcare companies like Omron show the little changes in your bodies even if your weight doesn't change. And this does motivate.
For instance, Omron's comprehensive body weight composition monitors are clinically validated which give you very reliable and accurate information on important dimensions like visceral fat level, body fat percentage, skeletal muscle percentage, BMI, weight and more.
Seeing the little changes will help you stick to your health plan and get the result and this is really motivating. Celebrate the little achievements you make to the fullest.
If you wish to buy weighing scale online, which you should, then I would suggest you buy digital weight scale by Omron.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Learn Why You Need To Monitor Blood Glucose Levels & How To Do It

Diabetes is becoming a common medical condition among people all over the world. This may be due in part to the aging population, unhealthy diets and lack of exercise. If your blood glucose levels remain persistently higher than normal, you may have diabetes.
Therefore, it’s imperative for a diabetic person to focus on and maintain good health. For this same reason, keeping blood sugar levels within a specified target range should be one of the main aims of your diabetes treatment.
But how do you do this?
It's simple. Really.
The key to do this is balancing your food with your activity, lifestyle and diabetes medicines. To understand the link between blood glucose, food, exercise, and insulin, test blood sugar with a glucometer. You can easily do this yourself at home and over time share your readings with your doctor. These readings will provide you with the information required to determine the best management strategy for your diabetes.
To learn what you need to monitor blood sugar levels at home, how & when to test your blood sugar, follow this link & learn how you can monitor your blood sugar

Monday, January 22, 2018

Keeping A Tab On Your Weight Easily Using Weight Scales

Do you keep a tab on your body weight? If yes, then how do you do it? 
I would like to take the liberty of assuming that you are not among the intellectuals who always ‘guess’ what their body weight is. You and me, we all have our fitness & health goals we try and work hard for to achieve. Which is why it's imperative to assess that your efforts are progressing in the right direction and do so in an accurate manner.
Hence, it is strongly advised to have your own portable, easy-to-use weighing scale at home so that you can assess your progress at any point you need to. It can be motivating when your weight starts to show results when you check it after dieting and working out. 
However, there are certain points that you need to keep in mind when you switch to a digital weighing scale to monitor your and your family's health goals. 
To learn about these points, this article on Keeping Your Weight In Check Using A Digital Weight Machine is worth reading.

Stay tuned for more informative posts on how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

7 Common High Blood Pressure Myths Busted

Hypertension is a growing and most common lifestyle diseases today in India, with every third person we meet, having suffered from it. And according to some experts, even kids can be victims of high blood pressure.

It's a real lifestyle concern and you should start using monitors like Omron bp monitor to measure your blood pressure ratings to ensure good health. But while it's important to keep a tab on your health, finding out the truth about several blood pressure myths out there is equally important. And as blood pressure can lead to fatal heart diseases it's important to get your facts straight on blood pressure.

Here are the top 7 myths about blood pressure:

Myth: High circulatory strain keeps running in my family. There is nothing I can do to counteract it. 

Hypertension runs in my family if your folks or close blood relatives have had hypertension; you will probably create it, as well. Nonetheless, a way of life decisions has permitted many individuals with a family history of hypertension to maintain a strategic distance from it themselves.

Myth: I don't utilize table salt, so I'm responsible for my sodium admission and my blood pressure. 

In a few people, sodium can expand blood pressure. Be that as it may, controlling sodium implies something other than putting down the salt shaker. It additionally implies checking marks, on the grounds that up to 75 percent of the sodium we expend is covered up in handled nourishments like tomato sauce, soups, fixings, canned sustenances and arranged blends.

Myth: I utilize legitimate or ocean salt when I cook rather than customary table salt. They are low-sodium choices. 

Artificially, genuine salt and ocean salt are the same as table salt — 40 percent sodium—and check the same toward adding up to sodium utilization. Table salt is a mix of the two minerals sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl).

Myth: I feel fine. I don't need to stress over hypertension. 

Around 85 million U.S. grown-ups have hypertension — and a large number of them don't have any acquaintance with it or don't encounter ordinary indications. Hypertension is additionally a noteworthy hazard factor for stroke. If uncontrolled, hypertension can prompt genuine and extreme medical issues.

Myth: People with hypertension have anxiety, sweating, trouble dozing and their face ends up noticeably flushed. I don't have those side effects so I'm great. 

Many individuals have hypertension for quite a long time without knowing it. It's regularly called "the noiseless executioner" since it, for the most part, has no side effects. You may not know that it's harming your supply routes, heart, and different organs. Know your numbers and don't tragically assume particular side effects will tell you there's an issue.

Myth: I read that wine is used for the heart, which implies I can drink as much as I need. 

If you drink liquor, including red wine, does as such with some restraint. Overwhelming and consistent utilization of liquor can expand circulatory strain significantly. It can likewise cause heart disappointment, prompt stroke and create sporadic heartbeats. A lot of liquor can add to high triglycerides, tumor, corpulence, liquor abuse, suicide, and mischances. If you drink, constrain utilization to close to two beverages for every day for men and one drink for every day for ladies. For the most part, one drink rises to a 12-ounce brew, a four-ounce glass of wine, 1.5 ounces of 80-proof alcohol, or one ounce of hard alcohol (100 proof).

Myth: I have hypertension and my specialist checks it for me. This implies I don't have to check it at home. 

Since blood pressure can change, home checking and recording of circulatory strain readings can furnish your medicinal services supplier with significant data to decide if you truly have hypertension and, in the event that you do, regardless of whether your treatment design is working. It's imperative to take the readings in the meantime every day, for example, morning and evening, or as your medicinal services proficient suggests.

Related: Learn how the easy and affordable availability of blood pressure monitors is giving people the opportunity to lead a healthy life.

Primary causes of Blood pressure in Young Adults

Blood pressure also known as Hypertension is a common problem that becomes prevalent in the later stages of life. Surprisingly so, this life-threatening problem has found its way into the youth as well. No matter how much we deny the same there are changes in the young adult body that is pure functions of Blood pressure problem.

"Young men are less likely than older men to believe they have hypertension and less likely to go back to the doctor," says Daniel Lackland, DrPH, spokesman for the American Society of Hypertension. "Often these are patients whose blood pressure would respond to weight management and other lifestyle changes, but they're less likely to seek treatment.

Untreated Hypertension can lead to more severe diseases that infinitely increase the risk of a heart disease, heart stroke, and kidney stroke. Hypertension can be confirmed if the Blood pressure rating comes to be anything more 140/90. To measure your blood pressure ratings you can use a digital blood pressure monitor available online at an affordable price.

The primary reasons for hypertension in young adults can be following.

1) Negligence: Because of a general stigma around hypertension, it is widely perceived that it is only a problem that is introduced in the later stages. Even after a clear experience of the symptoms of hypertension, the widespread rumor of its age-based biased keep its victims from visiting the doctors, this negligence usually aggravates the problem.

2) Lifestyle: Something that we all will unquestionably agree is that people’s lifestyle has gone from highly active to extremely low activity. The introduction of social media has increasingly made our systems confined to our phones, thus alarmingly affecting our lifestyle.

3) Disordered eating: It is scientifically proven that blood circulation and oxygen supply are the lifelines of our healthy survival. Disordered eating disrupts both. Especially salt.

4) The salt analysis in sight of hypertension: Our body removes unwanted fluids from our body through the kidney that puts the extra fluid in the bladder to be removed as urine. The kidney uses a delicate osmosis process to push out extra fluid, a process that uses a balance of sodium and potassium. Eating top salt causes an imbalance in the osmosis process where the water pullout cannot happen smoothly. The body retains water that creates pressure on the delicate bloodstreams, increasing blood pressure.

5) How to avoid the untimely demise of your organs: The only answer science comes up with is activity and balanced diet. The diet furnishes important nutrients and helps the body processes to stay active and healthy. An active lifestyle ensures the blood circulation and burns extra fat and body retention.

Why Blood Glucose Monitoring Is Important

High or low blood glucose levels can lead to health complications. However, your sugar levels in the blood can be controlled with diet and ...