Wednesday, February 14, 2018

7 Effective Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

We have all been a part of blood pressure, if we have been fortunate enough not to be diagnosed with it we know someone who has been. We slowly see them decaying and succumbing to it and everything, in the end, boils down to severe heart disease (Heart attack just being one of them). The question remains is allopathy the absolute answer on how to lower blood pressure? Is it reliable enough to trust the process and assume that it would reverse the damage without leaving any scars? The answer is a “BIG NO”.

Have you ever come across someone having problems with his confidence who feels nervous all the time coughs and almost always gives that pity nerd look? Well, more than a personality trait that is a side effect of the heavy blood pressure medicine dosage.

This article is not about convincing you against the general medicines available, this is about informing you that there are ways you can reverse your damage completely but slowly without or with minimum usage of medicines. It is about how you can reduce high blood pressure naturally at home and why it is important to regularly measure your BP with a digital blood pressure monitor.

Before jumping to the solutions on how you can control your high blood pressure, I’d want to explicitly mention that none of these techniques are instant ways to get rid of the damage blood pressure has caused to your body. But what we can assure you is that these natural ways can surely help you reverse the damage and with a disciplined practice of these you will feel much better and confident in facing the blood pressure monster.

1. It’s time to introduce activity

Almost all blood pressure cases are linked to inactivity, thus increasing body activity is just the natural step one needs to take to regulate blood pressure. The science behind increasing your physical activity is simple, aerobic exercises (moderate exercise that keeps your heart rate at a constant). As the word suggests aerobic means “with oxygen” these exercises break down fat and glucose into andesine triphosphate using oxygen, this is a preferred mode to lose those extra pounds.

How does one know if these aerobic exercises are improving your heart condition? Your heart rate is s bound to increase when you work out, the sooner your heart rate restores to normal is the measure of your healthy heart. With a regular workout, you can regulate and maintain a constant restoration time.

List of exercises that will help you regulate blood pressure:

· Cycling: 15-20 minutes

· Brisk walking: 45 minutes

· Moderate weight training: Doctor to be consulted before taking this up

· Treadmill running: 20 minutes

· Climbing stairs: sets of 10 (3 reps)

2. Green is the way to go

Leafy green veggies is your go-to-foods that lower blood pressure fast as these have a healthy amount of potassium that helps your kidneys get rid of the extra sodium through urine.

Include these potassium-rich greens to give your heart the strength it needs.

· Lettuce

· Spinach

· Beet greens

· Peas greens

If you’re anything like me, you won’t eat these greens without cringing on the taste, my suggestion blend these greens with a banana and nut milk to have yourself a healthy green smoothie that your taste buds and heart love.

3. Cut down your smoke breaks

Over 4000 recognized chemicals contribute to thickening of blood vessels; once the blood vessels lose their original composition the circulation is hazardously effected. A mere cigarette can increase a lot of pressure on your heart and alters with its functioning.

There is no number of cigarettes in a day that can be marked as a safe limit, what I suggest is either switch to organic cigarettes or cut down. Coupling your sobriety with cardiovascular exercises will not only regulate your blood pressure but will also cleanse your body of all the toxins smoking has gathered in your body.

4. Cut down salt

Salt is the primary weapon of blood pressure, your body gets rid of toxins and extra fluids through urine that is regulated by kidneys. The kidneys do it through the process of osmosis that is carried out with the help of a delicate balance of potassium and sodium. An increased level of sodium can alter this osmosis process and the body starts to retain the toxic fluids. The first symptoms of fluid retention are increased face fat and lowered stamina.

You can alter the harmful table salt with these equally tasty counterparts:

· Cook with garlic, pepper to compensate salt

· Use sea salt instead of table salt

· Cut down on salty snacks especially those potato chips

5. Cocoa and dark chocolate

Not all healthy diets are tasteless! This can be your taste savior, while over-consumption of chocolates can be really harmful but small quantities taken regularly can regulate your blood pressure. What is the science behind it? Dark chocolates have flavonoids and plant compounds that help the vessels to dilate.

Studies have shown that flavonoid-rich cocoa can regulate blood pressure. For strong and long-lasting effects use alkalized cocoa powder.

6. Go fruits and cut down processed carbs

Processed carbs cause something called as insulin resistance, insulin is produced by the pancreas in order to digest sugar, excess consumption of processed carbs can make your cells resistant to insulin, the carbs stay in your cells unbroken which feedbacks more insulin production causing the excess body fat that funds blood pressure. You can instead switch fruits and honey to quench your sweet buds.

7. Berry go round

Berries are just not a package full of sweet and juice it is also a powerhouse of polyphenol and complex plant compounds that are good for the heart.

Intake of all the above-mentioned techniques in your lifestyle will definitely help you regulate your abnormal blood pressure. I hope after reading this you will know how to lower blood pressure in an effective way. In case you suffer from an acute blood pressure problem consult a doctor and let the doctor design a diet that is rich in all the important activities and foods. Always keep a reliable blood pressure monitor handy to keep your heart number checked; you don’t want to be surprised by your heart at any time.

"This piece, "7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure & Reverse Its Damage" was originally published on The Health Hub, on  Feb 13, 2018."

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